Shannon Dental Health Center
Call now for an appointment: (509) 783-0824
Employment Opportunities
Excellent opportunity for an outstanding RDA. Progressive, state-of-the-art team needs high energy, caring person who hates being average. Compensation based on experience and may include a bonus if qualified. Five years experience preferred, two years experience required.
The dental hygienist is the primary preventive practitioner in the office. Excellent patient education and motivation is as important as providing treatment. It is important to recognize early signs of periodontal disease so that proactive treatment can be initiated to arrest the disease and prevent more severe involvement. Finding new areas of breakdown along with thorough documentation, both periodontally and restoratively, will facilitate the dentists' diagnosis and subsequent treatment recommendations.
Our busy dental practice is seeking a pleasant person able to keep track of eight things at once and still answer the phone with a smile.We have a large staff so a cooperative, forgiving nature is a must. A great opportunity for a person motivated to achieve higher levels of performance to receive higher levels of compensation. Compensation based on experience and may include a bonus if qualified. Five years experience preferred, two years experience required.
Cosmetic Dentistry
Tooth Whitening